The Malta Medicines Verification Organisation

The Malta Medicines Verification Organization (MaMVO) was established in 2018 as a non-profit legal entity.

MaMVO is authorised to establish, administer and operate the Malta Medicines Verification System (MaMVS), to support all the entities that have the obligation to implement the Falsified Medicines Directive in accordance with the requirements of EU legislation. The MaMVS is intended to identify falsified medicines being dispensed in Malta.

MaMVO’s remit extends beyond the project implementation since as an organisation it is also obliged to continuously monitor its successful operation.

Membership of MaMVO

MaMVO is composed of Full Members and Affiliate Members.

MaMVO Full Members

MaMVO Affiliate Members

The MaMVO Board

MaMVO is headed by a board consisting of six persons appointed by the Full Members. The Board ensures that the organisation operates in accordance with the EU Directive, relevant national and international legislation and the organisation’s Statutes.

The board is required to ensure that the organisation operates in accordance with the EU Directive, relevant national and international legislation and the organisation’s statute.

MaMVO Board Members


Nicholas Falzon

Deputy Chair

Mary Ann Sant Fournier


Mario Debono


Joseph Grima


Claire Shoemake